If like me you have been on the internet for any length of time, I’m sure you would have heard all the commotion about coconut oil and how good it is so you should be using it on your hair.
You only need to take a look around for a little while longer to see that there has been a little back and forth about whether or not coconut oil is really good for curly hair.
Today we are going to take a closer look and find out whether or not coconut oil is in fact good for curly hair like “they say it is”.
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What is Coconut Oil?
Virgin coconut oil is made from the dried out pulp of coconuts. The oil can be extracted in different ways which is why some coconut oil is solid and others are in liquid form.
Some coconut oil is cold-pressed meaning that no heat is used in the extraction process. This helps to keep the oil healthy and intact to keep all its nutrients in place.
Other times coconut oil is extracted using heat. This way the process of extraction is sped up much faster than being cold-pressed.
The reason that some coconut oil is solid and some liquid is because of the different types of processing and extraction methods used.
Is Coconut Oil Good for Curly Hair?
Yes, coconut oil is good for curly hair…BUT I will say that it’s not great for everyone.
There are some really great nutritional benefits to using coconut oil in your hair such as it being full of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron.
It also has some great antibacterial properties which means that it’s a really healthy oil to use as it can fight off germs and bacteria.
Having said all that I will say that coconut oil just doesn’t agree with everyone.
Some people find that when they use coconut oil it makes their hair feel very dry no matter how many times they have tried it.
This is the same if they use coconut oil that is contained in products or it is used on its own.
I would say if you are going to use coconut oil make sure you keep a mental note of how your hair is reacting to it and don’t just use it because everyone else is.
Is Coconut Oil A Moisturiser or A Sealant?
One of the most important things to understand about oils is the purpose behind why you are using them. Once you understand this you will know which oils you should be going for.
Coconut oil is a moisturising oil meaning that it penetrates into the strands of your hair. If you want moisture then coconut oil is great, if not then another oil would be better suited to you.
The Benefits of Using Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has some really amazing benefits for hair. Let’s take a look at a few of these.
1. Fights Dandruff
Coconut oil is great for treating dandruff because its antibacterial properties are able to fight the germs which cause dandruff.
If dandruff has been causing you a lot of inconvenience then using coconut oil by spraying into your hair and massaging it into your scalp could be very helpful.
2. Tackles Frizziness
We’ve all had to deal with frizziness at some stage and it can be very frustrating. If you are having frizziness issues coconut oil helps by adding moisture to your stands and smoothing down the cuticle so that the appearance of frizziness is controlled.
3. Encourages Hair Growth & Thickness
Coconut oil has some great properties in it which help to both grow and thicken your hair. Nutrients such as iron and zinc are very important to help encourage hair growth. Potassium is another nutrient in coconut oil and it’s perfect for thickening your hair because it stimulates the scalp which helps to promote healthy hair regrowth.
4. Adds Shine To Your Hair
If you want a little shine in your hair then coconut oil will do just that. Coconut oil adds shine to your hair by smoothing down the cuticles. When your cuticles are smooth light is able to reflect which gives the appearance of shine in your hair.
5 Ways To Use Coconut Oil for your hair
There are several ways that you can use coconut oil in your hair but today we are going to look at 5 ways you can use coconut oil in your hair that will be beneficial to you.
1. As A Prepoo Treatment
Using coconut oil in your hair as a pre-poo before you wash it is a very good idea. You can mix it with your other favourite oils to make a great mixture for your hair. The coconut oil will help to moisturise your strands so that once you do wash your hair it will feel moisturised and nourished.
If you want to learn more about pre-pooing your hair you can read about it here.
2. As A Scalp Massager
Have you ever taken the time to massage your scalp before? It’s one of the most relaxing things you can do. Not only does it feel extremely good but it’s really good for helping your blood to circulate properly and therefore promoting hair growth.
When you add coconut oil into the mix it becomes a whole other ballgame! Using coconut oil to massage your hair is really good for you because it helps to moisturise your scalp. If you have been suffering from dandruff then using coconut oil as a scalp massager is one of the best things because it will help to treat your dandruff.
3. As A Deep Conditioner
Did you know you can add coconut oil to your deep conditioner to help with extra moisture?
Deep conditioners are great for really penetrating the hair strands so that your hair is moisturised from the core all the way out.
You can add a little coconut oil to your deep conditioner for extra penetration. Once you have done this make sure to leave the deep conditioner on your hair for the recommended amount of time so that it can be fully effective.
4. As A Hair Mask
Hair masks are great for giving your hair time to soak in some moisture. You can buy a hair mask straight off the shelf like this one or you can make your own homemade one at home.
To make your own simply add coconut oil to honey and mix to make a wonderful pasty mixture. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for 20-30 minutes. You can cover your hair with a disposable shower cap like this one.
Once the time is up simply wash it out.
Honey is a really great raw product to add to your hair. Not only does it help with moisturising but it also adds shine to your hair.
5. As A Pre-Shampoo Conditioning Treatment
You can use coconut oil as a pre-poo for your hair before you wash it. I like to do this because it helps to protect my hair before I shampoo. Shampooing your hair can be quite harsh but when you pre-poo your hair with coconut oil before you shampoo it, it adds some protection around the strands of your hair.
To do this section your hair into small sections then apply the oil to each of the sections making sure you have full coverage.
Put a shower cap over your hair and leave for 20 mins then wash off using shampoo and conditioner.
Is Coconut Oil Good For Low Porosity Hair?
Even though coconut oil is a moisturising oil it’s not good for low porosity hair because it is a heavy oil. People with low porosity hair have cuticles that are very tightly closed and therefore the particles from coconut oil cannot easily pass through.
When this happens the coconut oil will sit on the outside of the hair strands and will likely cause build-up. A better oil choice for low porosity hair would be fractionated coconut oil.
Fractionated coconut oil is better for low porosity hair because it is lighter than regular coconut oil which means it will be able to penetrate into the hair strands more easily. It also doesn’t contain any long-chain triglycerides so you won’t get product build up using this.
Can Coconut Oil Be Bad For Curly Hair?
Yes, it can be. Coconut oil doesn’t always react well to some peoples hair. This can be for a number of different reasons.
Some people complain their hair feels greasy after having used coconut oil or that their hair feels dry. If you are experiencing this don’t force yourself to continue to use it just because it is a popular oil.
Instead, clarify your hair and start again with an oil that is more suited to your hair.
Final Thoughts on “Is Coconut Oil Good For Curly Hair?”
Although coconut oil is a very popular oil feel free to not use it if your hair does not like it. Everyone’s hair is made up differently and needs different things in order to flourish.
Even though there are many benefits to coconut oil if your hair doesn’t like it you shouldn’t force the issue otherwise you could be causing more harm than good.
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