Dandruff is one of those things that you hope you never get but unfortunately, lots of people have to battle natural hair dandruff.
You may not have had dandruff before and this might all be new to you but the first thing we need to look at is, is it really dandruff or something else?
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What Is Dandruff?
You have probably seen dandruff before, it could have been from your own hair or from someone else’s. Usually, dandruff makes an appearance throughout someone’s hair or often drops onto a person’s shoulders and looks like tiny white specs.
Whist natural hair dandruff is not dangerous or contagious, it is embarrassing for a lot of people and can be quite uncomfortable if it is itchy.
Dandruff affects a person’s scalp where the skin on the scalp begins to flake and those tiny flakes begin to move throughout the person’s hair.
There are different levels of severity of dandruff but generally speaking if your level of dandruff is not too severe you can control it using some home remedies which we will take a look at in a moment.
What’s The Difference Between Dandruff And Dry Scalp?
Dandruff and dry scalp can often be mistaken for one another but there is a difference.
Dry scalp is just the same as having dry skin anywhere on your body. Usually, it happens because perhaps you are not producing enough natural sebum on your scalp. Sebum is a natural producing oil that helps to keep your scalp well oiled, some people get more, some get less.
Dandruff has nothing to do with the oil or lack of oil on your scalp. There is a lot more to dandruff compared to dry scalp. Sometimes there is an unlying issue as to why you have dandruff.
How To Get Rid Of Natural Hair Dandruff Naturally
1. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is very popular for a number of reasons. The main reason being that it has a cooling effect which makes it perfect for burns and other conditions.
I’ve already talked about the benefits of aloe vera here which you should take a look at. Aloe vera gel can also be used to help treat dandruff because of it’s antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Lots of people already have an aloe vera plant growing in their garden or somewhere that is in easy reach so it’s easy to come across to use.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another great product to use for dandruff. Using Apple cider vinegar helps to balance the pH levels on your scalp.
When your pH levels are unbalanced it can add to the ill effect of having a dry scalp and dandruff.
It is also extremely great for fighting off bacteria. You can read more about the 7 benefits of apple cider vinegar here.
3. Tea Tree Oil
If you are going to use tea tree oil for fighting off natural hair dandruff then its a good idea to dilute it. Applying it directly to your scalp can cause irritation on your scalp.
Once tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) oil is diluted it a great method for treating dandruff because of the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties that it contains.
4. Baking Soda
Baking soda is another easy to find ingredient in grocery stores and you may even have some in your kitchen next to your apple cider vinegar.
Baking soda can be used to help treat natural hair dandruff but it’s important to note that if you have high porosity hair using baking soda can cause the cuticles of your hair to open up even further.
Before using baking soda check the porosity of your hair first.
Baking soda can also strip your hair of its natural oils which is why it should be used with caution.
5. Coconut Oil
Most of us within the natural hair community know about the many benefits of using coconut oil in your hair.
Coconut oil is not only great for your strands but it can also aid in helping with natural hair dandruff due to its ability to fight fungal cells.
You can apply it directly to your scalp by massaging it in or add some to your regular shampoo or conditioner.
Personally I like to use it as a pre-poo before washing my hair.
6. Reduce Stress
Stress can have a serious impact on our general health. The worrying thing about stress is that sometimes we don’t even know that we are stressed until we begin to see the after-effects of it.
Stress can present itself in many different ways, even though our hair.
Whilst stress by itself may not directly cause dandruff it can certainly exasperate it making it worse.
7. Look Into Your Diet
Your diet affects everything from how much your hair grows to the health of your hair.
Think very carefully about the foods that you are eating and if they could be actually making your dandruff worse.
Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables for better overall health. Hair vitamins like these can also help.
Final Thoughts On Natural Hair Dandruff
If your dandruff is mild trying out any of the above methods can be helpful to you. If you are finding that you have more serious issues with dandruff you could have a more serious condition like seborrheic dermatitis.
There are some over the counter shampoos that may help. If you are very worried then it might be time to see a hair specialist.
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