Did you know that your natural hair night routine is just as important as your day time one?
If you fail to look after your hair at night time you could potentially be undoing all your hard work from the day time.
If you find you have been struggling with keeping your hair moisturised no matter what you do, the fault could lie with what you are doing in the evenings.
You night time routine is still important even if you are transitioning from relaxed hair. Besides its always best to develop healthy hair habits early on rather than battle with them later on.
If there is one thing that I have learnt about having a good natural hair routine it is to keep things simple.
I have made the mistake of trying to implement every single thing that I have learned about hair at once only to find that it was just too much for me to keep up with.
For example, on wash day if you try to do a tea rinse and protein treatment as well as deep condition all on the same day before you have even left the shower the chances are that you won’t get through it all and it will become extremely tedious.
My advice to you when building your routine is to make sure that you keep things nice and easy. The worst thing you can do is overcomplicate things and get frustrated.
Remember that during the evenings is when we tend to be most tired and less patient, this is not a good time to make things harder for yourself.
Let’s take a look at some of the things that we can do to keep our hair healthy with a simple natural hair night time routine.
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4 Things that need to be part of your natural hair night routine
1. Re-moisturise
If you struggle with keeping moisture in your hair then it might be a good idea to consider re-moisturising it in the evenings.
Do you need to do this every evening? Look and feel your hair to see what it needs.
I like to re-moisturise my hair once during the week and that seems to work fine for my hair but you may need to do it more than that depending on the needs of your hair.
When I first began my natural hair journey I used to moisturise a lot more than that mainly because I didn’t quite understand my hair yet and also I felt that it was the right thing to do at the time.
When you moisturise your hair you only need to lightly spritz your hair. You don’t want to full-on soak your hair with water as it will mean going to bed with soaking wet hair.
Been there – done that – own the t-shirt!
You can use either use rose water or aloe vera juice if you want to give your hair a little something extra.
Related posts:
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2. Pineapple if you need to
Let me just start off by saying that the pineapple method does not necessarily work for everyone. It’s a great way to maintain your curls if you have just done a twist out but the results on the next day may not be exactly what you are looking for.
You may find it helpful to modify the pineapple method to suit your needs especially if your hair is a bit shorter.
The pineapple method requires you to pull your hair very high up into a ponytail using a hairband or scrunchie. The idea behind it is that you are able to keep your curls overnight without them becoming flat.
3. Twist or braid
If your hair is on the shorter side it might be easier to do a twist out or braid out instead.
I’m a huge fan of doing a braid out especially after washing my hair. Not only does it keep my hair stretched and less likely to tangle its very simple to do.
If you are going to do a twist out make sure you don’t do too many because that is a lot of pressure on you in the evenings. Believe me, I tried it once and let’s just say it didn’t go down too well especially with the children around. I just couldn’t find the time to do it.
Depending on how thick or thin your hair is will determine how many twists you can get away with doing. Less will be much easier on you in the evenings.
4. Sleep on satin
Make satin your best friend. Satin will allow you to keep your hair well moisturised because it doesn’t soak up the moisture from your hair. Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase will do that.
Not only will cotton soak up the moisture from your hair but it will also cause a lot of friction which can lead to frizziness and hair breakage.
It’s best to sleep with a satin bonnet. If a satin bonnet does not suit you because you are a rough sleeper then try using a satin pillowcase like this one instead.
A satin pillowcase is a great alternative if you find that a bonnet always falls off your hair during the night.
Should you retwist your hair every night?
It’s not necessary to retwist your hair every single night. In fact, I wouldn’t even advise it because it could lead to over manipulation which will do your hair more damage than good.
If you want to maximise your natural hair growth then it’s important that you keep everything nice and simple. Try not to be in your hair too much.
Personally I wouldn’t retwist or rebraid more than 3 times a week but if that’s what works for you I’m not telling you not to do it.
Final thoughts on natural hair night routine
Having a good night time regime for your natural hair is really important if you want your hair to remain healthy and grow.
You should already have a general routine for your hair, if not you can find one here.
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