Having natural hair is never an easy ride in the park. In fact, sometimes it can feel like quite the opposite. I tell people time and time again that having natural hair is not an easy option.
You have to relearn a whole bunch of information about your hair. Issues will come and go no matter how far along your natural hair journey you think you are.
One of the issues that some people have to deal with is having an itchy scalp and how best to treat it.
Today let’s take a look at what exactly it means to have an itchy scalp and some of the itchy scalp remedies for black hair that we can have a look at.
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What Is An Itchy Scalp?
First off let’s take a look at what an itchy scalp is. It may not be exactly what you think it is.
An itchy scalp is where you experience some itching on your scalp. It can present itself in different ways which we will take a look at in just a moment.
There are some types of itchy scalp where the itching can be temporary and there are other times where it can be something much more complicated.
It is important that you always get to the root of a problem like this rather than searching for a solution that will only mask your symptoms or be a temporary fix for you.
Symptoms Of An Itchy Scalp For Black Hair
When you have a dry itchy scalp there are a few telltale signs that you will probably notice quite quickly.
First and foremost is the fact that your scalp will be itching you. You may notice itching in just one particular area or it could be all over depending on the reason for the itching.
The area where you have the itching may also change depending on the reason for it.
You may notice that you have a lot of white flakes falling from your hair and onto your top. This is very common in something like dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis.
Another common sign is the redness of your scalp. You may even notice some sores or tenderness on your scalp.
Hair Loss Or Thinning
In extreme cases of an itchy scalp, you may notice some hair loss or hair thinning in areas of your hair.
Why Is My Scalp Itching?
There can be a whole host of reasons as to why your scalp is itching. Let’s take a look at some of the more common reasons.
Dandruff is definitely a culprit when it comes to having an itchy scalp. Dandruff is caused when your scalp is flaking and you have an overproduction of skin cells. This results in the excess cells being shaken loose and becoming visible in your hair and on your clothes.
Dandruff may also be caused by yeast that dwells on your scalp causing it to flake and sometimes itch. The issue arises from the fact that there are simply too many cells being produced too quickly.
Allergic Reaction
Allergic reactions can happen to anyone at any time. Most people would expect to see an allergic reaction on their skin or face, somewhere visible. In fact, allergic reactions can also affect your scalp too.
Everyone is different and what might be perfectly fine for one person can be a nightmare for another. Some products can completely disagree with your scalp and when this happens it can cause a whole lot of problems for you.
For this very reason, some people prefer their hair products to be as natural as possible. Ingredients such as parabens and minerals can be too harsh for hair and cause an allergic reaction.
If you do experience a reaction you may need to take a much closer look at products that you are currently using for your hair.
Dietary Changes
Everything that you do works from the inside out. Your diet can affect what happens to your hair. If you suddenly begin to eat a lot of junk foods or foods that your body doesn’t necessarily like then you may notice some changes in your hair and scalp.
One of the most common issues that can arise is an itchy scalp. This happens because your body isn’t getting the right nutrients that it needs to thrive.
Taking a closer look at your diet is a quick and easy way to find the root cause of your issues.
A Dry Scalp
Having a dry scalp will certainly not help with your issue of trying to get rid of an itchy scalp. A dry scalp is exactly what it sounds like. Your scalp is not getting the right amount of moisture that it needs to promote healthy hair growth.
This can be caused by a number of different things such as over-washing your hair, using harsh chemicals or too much exposure to the sun.
When your scalp is dry it will start to itch as a way of trying to get you to provide it with the moisture that it needs.
You can counteract this by drinking lots of water and making sure that your hair has a good balance of moisture.
An Oily Scalp
If you have a very oily scalp this can cause your scalp to itch because of the lack of moisture and the overproduction of oil.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a fancy word meaning that there is inflammation of the skin. Your scalp can become inflamed and itchy if you have an overproduction of oil and dead skin cells on your scalp.
You may notice that there is redness and visible flakes on your scalp.
You can treat this condition with a special medicated shampoo like this one.
5 Itchy Scalp Remedies For Black Hair
If you do have an itchy scalp there are a few remedies that you can utilise to help you rectify the issue. These are pretty simple treatments that you can try at home for yourself.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
The great thing about apple cider vinegar is that it can be used for a number of different ailments both internally and externally.
Apple cider vinegar is perfect for treating an itchy scalp because it is a natural antiseptic that helps to balance the pH levels on your scalp. Doing an ACV rinse will help to kill any bacteria or yeast which is causing your scalp to itch.
You can find out the best way to do an ACV rinse here.
Scalp Oil
Sometimes your hair could do with treatment from a perfect blend of oils. Oils especially essential oils can help your scalp to be free from itchiness and also help to promote hair growth.
You can make a blend of oils that is perfect for your scalp by using a carrier oil such as jojoba oil and then adding in essential oils like lavender, rosemary or tea tree oil.
If you are not a fan of mixing oils you can also buy some ready-made off the shelf right here.
Massage this blend into your scalp as and when needed.
Clarifying Shampoo
Clarifying shampoos are great for when you need to take your hair back to the drawing board and start again. A good clarifying shampoo will get rid of all buildup from your hair and scalp and give you a fresh clean “slate” to start with.
You will find that a clarifying shampoo will indeed help with an itchy scalp by eliminating all of the excess oil, dead skin cells and residue.
You can find some great clarifying shampoos here.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil helps to soothe and get rid of an itchy scalp because it contains menthol. Menthol is a natural anti-inflammatory agent which is good for treating the inflammation of the scalp.
You can buy peppermint essential oils like this one or use products which contain peppermint oil that can be used on your scalp.
Tea Tree Oil
The great thing about tea tree oil is that it helps your scalp by killing any bacteria or fungus that may be causing your scalp to itch.
Tea tree oil has natural antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties so it is great for treating different types of scalp issues.
If you do suffer from an itchy scalp tea tree oil might be worth a shot. You can pick some up here.
Coconut Oil
We all know coconut oil for its various different amazing properties. Did you know that coconut oil helps to reduce the itchiness of the scalp and helps to promote hair growth at the same time?
Coconut oil is a great natural moisturiser for the scalp and it contains lauric acid which helps to fight against fungi and bacteria which can develop on the scalp.
There are many different ways that you can use coconut oil in your hair and rubbing it directly onto your scalp is one of them.
Related post: Is coconut oil good for curly hair
How Do I Stop An Itchy Scalp In The Future?
There are various different things that you can do if you are suffering from an itchy scalp but here is a list of a few things that you can do right now to help relieve the itchiness of your scalp.
Make sure that drinking water is a priority in your diet. What happens on the inside of your body directly affects what will happen on the outside.
Try to drink the recommended amount of water in a day.
Keep It Balanced
Your scalp is a very sensitive area and needs to be kept at the right pH balance. Once it becomes unbalanced you are prone to getting problems on your scalp.
You can keep the pH of your scalp balanced by doing regular ACV rinses and clarifying your hair when necessary.
Wash Your Hair
It’s important that you wash your hair at the appropriate time. The reason for saying the appropriate time is because everyone’s scalp is different. Some people produce a lot of oils quickly whilst others don’t.
The natural oils from your scalp help to protect the strands of your hair therefore if you wash it too quickly you lose protection quickly but if you take too long to wash your hair you risk build-up and the itchiness could come back.
When Should You See A Doctor About Your Itchy Scalp?
If your scalp has been itchy for a while and you are not getting any relief from the methods mentioned above then it may be time to take a closer look at the products you are using for your hair or seek professional help from a dermatologist.
Final Thoughts On An Itchy Scalp Remedies For Black Hair
As mentioned above there are many different ways an itchy scalp can affect you. Some are more complicated than others.
The methods above should help you with mild irritations but if you are very concerned then there is no time like the present to consult a professional.
If you have tried some of these methods before I would love to hear your feedback!
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