If like me you have ever looked at another woman and stood in awe of how long and beautiful her hair is I can tell you that you are 100% not alone in this.
Before I decided to go natural I didn’t think afro hair could grow long until back in 2011 when I started seeing women just like me grow long hair. I was shocked to say the least and I couldn’t figure out how they were doing it.
My hair wasn’t natural at the time but it had sat at its longest just past my shoulders for several years without budging an inch past it.
So I thought that there must be a secret to growing long hair that I just didn’t know about yet.
After years of experimenting and seeing what does and does not work, I can finally share the fast hair growth secrets that you need to know about if you want to have long healthy hair too.
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21 Fast hair growth secrets
1. Low manipulation hairstyles
Where possible use low manipulation hairstyles. Not only are they much less stressful for your hair and will encourage your hair to grow more but it will mean you can spend less time on your hair than you would have needed to.
Hairstyles such as twist outs, braid outs and buns are great for low manipulation. They don’t need to be recreated every day which makes them perfect.
Also twist outs and braid out keep your hair stretched which means fewer tangles and fewer chances of breakage.
I’m pretty sure that has to be a plus when it comes to growth!
2. Trimming your hair is not optional
For so many years I truly believed that trimming my hair was not necessary. I thought that it took away from the length of my hair.
I was so wrong because, in fact, the opposite is true because when you trim your hair you get rid of split ends which can travel up the hair strand and make your hair look frizzy and untidy.
Depending on the condition of your hair I would aim for every 4 months or so.
3. Hot oil treatments are the best!
If you haven’t already tried a hot oil treatment you should. Doing a hot oil treatment is a great way to stimulate your scalp and provide your hair with shine and moisture.
You can read more about how to effectively do a hot oil treatment here.
4. Co-wash more than you shampoo
Shampooing your hair can strip your hair of its natural oils making it very dry.
If you are a curly girl you will already know that your hair is prone to dryness so you need to do as much as you can to avoid that.
Co-washing is much better for your hair as it refreshes your hair without stripping the oils.
You can co-wash with a regular conditioner or use a cleansing wash like this one.
Just remember you do need to wash with shampoo from time to time too in order to get rid of product build-up.
5. Try finger detangling
Combs are notorious for tearing away at strands of hair especially if the bristles are close together.
Finger combing is so much more gentle on natural hair as you can feel the strands of hair and when you are putting to much strain on them before they snap.
It takes time to get used to finger combing so give it time to get used to it.
6. Forget towel drying
Towel drying your hair is a great way to take moisture out of your hair.
You really need to ditch the towel and opt for an old T-shirt instead.
Tshirts are perfect because they will soak up excess water without absorbing the water from your hair too.
7. Head massages
If you have never had a head massage before you are really missing out!
Head massages are brilliant for increasing blood circulation to your scalp.
When you have good circulation it promotes hair growth.
It’s kind of a win-win situation because head massages feel awesome and your hair will grow because of it.
8. Leave your hair to naturally dry
Air drying is the best way to dry your hair.
This way no water is being sucked out of your hair and you are not overly manipulating it at the same time.
If you are doing a twist out or braid out this is the perfect opportunity. You simply braid or twist and leave it to naturally dry.
I know that waiting for your hair to air dry can be a very long process for some. My hair takes at least a day and a half to fully dry.
If you are in the same boat as me and cannot wait for your hair to air due to other commitments then you can blow dry your hair but do it on the lowest heat setting possible.
9. Drink water
You moisturise from the inside out. If you drink water you are bound to help your hair grow.
You want to make sure that your stands are moisturised right from the core and you can do that by drinking H2O instead of other things such as fizzy pop.
10. Watch your diet
Believe it or not, your diet can also play a role in how well your hair grows.
Take note of your hair growth and see if it correlates to your diet. I’m pretty sure you will find that it does.
Growing your hair is similar to growing a plant. You want to put it in the perfect environment for maximum growth.
11. Make friends with natural ingredients
As much as you can try to stay away from silicones, parabens and sulfates. These are ingredients that can actually prevent your hair growing in the best way possible.
Always opt for natural ingredients which will be less harsh on your hair.
12. Keep it moisturised
Moisture is the key to growth I can’t stress that enough for you. If you want to see real fast hair growth then you need to make sure that your hair is ALWAYS well moisturised.
Most of the time if you are not seeing any real growth it’s likely down to a lack of proper moisturising.
13.Sleep with a satin bonnet or pillowcase
Sleeping with satin is imperative.
It made such a huge difference to my hair growth rate.
When you sleep on cotton you will notice that it sucks the moisture out of your hair.
When you don’t have enough moisture in your hair it is more prone to breakage through friction and other things.
14. Deep condition
Deep conditioning should always be on your radar.
Once you wash your hair you will want to replace as much or the lost moisture as you can especially if you washed with shampoo.
Deep conditioners are formulated in such a way that they penetrate right to the core of your strands.
You will be doing yourself no favours by skipping out on it.
You can read more about the benefits of deep conditioning here.
15. Don’t forget the leave-in conditioner
Do you already use a leave-in conditioner? If not you need to be. Some of my favourites are:
Shea Moisture strengthen restore leave-in conditioner
Leave in conditioner is as it says a conditioner that you can leave in your hair. This helps to keep your hair moisturised throughout the day.
16. Use the LOC/ LCO method
The LOC method is very popular for a very good reason.
It’s an excellent way to keep moisture within your hair and is very simple to do.
I’ve talked about the LOC method before and its huge benefits to those of us with curly or kinky hair and I still stand by it.
17. Know your hairs porosity
Knowing the porosity level of your hair can make a huge difference in how you moisturise it.
If you have low porosity hair it means that your hair cuticles are very close together making it difficult for water to be absorbed.
If you have high porosity hair the cuticles of your hair are wide and therefore although water can easily be penetrated into the strands it doesn’t stay there long enough because it leaves just as quickly as it enters.
Ideally, you want to have “normal” porosity levels.
18. Use the greenhouse method
Using the Greenhouse method is a great way to get some added moisture into your hair.
Its very simple to do and the gains are huge.
If you suffer from dry hair then this is the perfect way to get some help.
19. Try apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a great way to get rid of bacteria on your scalp as it balances the pH levels.
If you suffer from scalp conditions then apple cider vinegar can be a great treatment.
You can use it as a pre-poo before you wash your hair by massaging it into your scalp.
Once you have a healthy scalp your hair stands a much better chance at growing.
20. Try to reduce your levels of stress
Sometimes when you are stressed it can have all kinds of strange effects on you.
It can even affect your hair.
I have known people who started to get bald spots because they were suffering from such high levels of stress.
If you have a job or are in a situation that is very stressful you should look into ways that you can destress when you need to.
21. If you have to use a hairbrush use the soft option
Yes, we all like our hair to look nice and slick but some that shouldn’t come at a cost of lost edges and broken strands of hair.
You can help to avoid this by only using soft-bristled hair brushes which are much more gentle.
Final thoughts on fast hair growth secrets
If you have been struggling with hair growth for a long time these tips are going to make a huge difference to you.
If you have any more secret tips on growing your hair fast I would love to hear them!
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