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52 Self Care Activities For A Better You

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Time these days is a precious commodity.

We can get so busy during the days and weeks that follow that we just can’t seem to get enough time for anything. We don’t even look after ourselves outside of the usual day to day things.

It’s easy to fall into a routine so much so that we don’t even realise that we have lost sight of the little things in life that we should appreciate and be grateful for.

Have you ever felt as though you have just had enough and need a change?

You feel stuck in a routine with what seems to be no escape and no end in sight?

You have become fed up and unfulfilled.

I know how you feel.

Usually, when people feel this way it is a sign of burnout and the need for change is evident.

The good news is that you don’t have to shave all your hair off in order to feel new again you just need to put into practice some self-care activities.

There are a ton of self-care ideas that you implement into your daily life that can make the world of difference to your life.


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What is self-care?

According to the dictionary definition, self-care is “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.”

Health is the one thing that you just can’t buy with money.  You could be the richest person in the whole world and without your health you have nothing.

Self-care is not just about physical health, it is so much more than that.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Self-care activities help you to reduce stress and to feel better about yourself overall.


Here are some of the different areas of self-care:


Mental self-care

Look after your thoughts and keep your mind clutter-free.  Don’t let negative thoughts overwhelm you.


Physical self-care

Make sure that you eat well, exercise and look after your body in general.


Spiritual self-care

Find some time to pray and think about all the things that you are grateful for.  We all have something to be grateful for.


Social self-care

Don’t forget about your friends. Find some time to spend with them and develop your friendships more.

Self care Ideas

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Why is self-care so important?

Self-care is so important because if you don’t practice any type of self-care routine you will start to feel burnt out until it gets to the point that you could feel you are having a breakdown.

No one can just keep going and going without some kind of release mentally.

Let’s face it life can take a real toll sometimes.  Work can get stressful, your children might start playing up, financially you could be stressed out or perhaps life is just not going the way that you expected.

Whatever the reason is if you don’t find a way to release some of that pressure at some point you could explode.

Protect your mind and practise good self-care activities so you can remain healthy.


How self-care can turn your life around

By practising some healthy self-care activities you can really make a huge difference in your life.

Overall you will feel lighter, things will not irritate you as easily as they did before and you will feel like you are living life again.

You will also feel happier and get a real sense of self-worth just by implementing a few of the self-care activities that I will list below.


52 Self-care ideas

Here is a list of 52 self-care idea that you can implement during your day.  The best news is that activities are either free or will not cost you much money at all.


  1. Take some time out to grab a coffee with friends
  2.  Get a new hairstyle
  3.  Get your nails done
  4.  Take 5 minutes out of your day to watch the world go by
  5.  Text a friend
  6.  Eat something new
  7.  Write down your thoughts in a journal
  8.  Go for a walk alone
  9.  Watch your favourite program on TV
  10.  Take a bath with candles
  11.  Listen to some music
  12.  Create a new recipe for dinner
  13.  Go for a bike ride
  14.  Order a takeaway
  15.  Wear an outfit that makes you feel good even if you are not going out
  16.  Sing to some of your favourite songs at the tp of your voice
  17.  Find something that makes you laugh
  18.  Watch the sunset or sunrise
  19.  Go to bed early
  20.  Treat yourself to a slice of cake
  21.  Buy yourself a small item as a treat
  22.  Find a hobby
  23.  Visit a friend you haven’t seen in a while
  24.  Take some time out to meditate
  25.  Have a nap
  26.  Ignore your phone for 30 minutes
  27.  Go for a drive with no destination in mind
  28.  Exercise
  29.  Write down 5 things you are grateful for
  30.  Be extra kind to someone
  31.  Sit in the garden and do nothing
  32.  Bake a cake
  33.  Say no to someone
  34.  Read a book
  35.  Eat some chocolate without sharing
  36.  Learn a new skill
  37.  Buy a magazine and read it at your leisure
  38.  Fix something that you have been meaning to do for a while
  39.  Rearrange your bedroom
  40.  Visit a place you’ve never been to before
  41.  Plan a holiday or a weekend breakaway
  42.  Get a massage
  43.  Buy some new underwear
  44.  Snuggle under a warm blanket
  45.  Watch some old films
  46.  Look through old photos
  47.  Take some time out to pray
  48.  Arrange a dinner party with friends
  49.  Have a girls night out
  50.  Try adult colouring
  51.  Accidently on purpose don’t set your alarm clock and sleep in
  52.  Declutter a small area in your home


Final thoughts on self-care activities

Learning to spend time alone is one of the most rewarding things that you can do for yourself.  It gives you time to think and self reflect.

Self-reflection is a very important part of your self-care routine.

Always remember to take time out for yourself and do the things that you love and that make you happy.

There is only one of you so look after yourself!


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52 Self care activities to help you take some time out for yourself and feel normal again